Friday, May 10, 2013

Let's Get Random

I had a couple of blog post ideas for this week but life seems to have gotten in the way. I figured, I love lists, so why not do a quick hits blog to get some thoughts out there. Here goes:

1) If you happen to be a fan of the Colbert Report then you most likely saw the bit on The Great Gatsby last night. If you didn't, catch it on the show’s website here. It was pretty funny and got me wondering if hosts of these types of interview shows really read the books or not. Would be interesting to know, because that means they are either some of the most well read folks on the planet, or are simply blowing smoke like everyone else. I think I will default to the latter of those two choices. Also, I'm a little disappointed with what I am reading about the movie reviews. I had high hopes when I saw the first preview, but from what I read it is more glitz than substance. Guess I'll catch it on DVD. 

2) Another great thing that happened during that bit on Colbert, was the shout out to Reading Rainbow. This show was one of the things, along with my parents’ love of reading, that got me so into book and made me want to be a writer when I was little. I used to write poems and short stories and think about how cool it would be if one of them was on Reading Rainbow, then my classmates could see it when we watched the show every Wednesday at school. Too bad that show isn't on anymore. A whole generation of readers are missing out on a wonderful opportunity to learn about books. Yeah, I know, there is an Ipad app, but it isn't the same and, really, isn't that half the problem? Go watch some episodes on YouTube, they are still great.

3) I would not consider myself a fan boy of much of anything, well, maybe The Walking Dead, but I digress. That being said, I am a huge Stephen King fan. His book “On Writing” inspired me to finally get off my lazy butt and write my first book. I love the universe he has created and how one obscure thing in a short story can alter another part of his universe completely. I freaked when I came across this flow chart today. It is completely overwhelming at first and I cannot believe someone has the time to update it, but this thing is seriously cool once you get the hang of it. Check it out and support this person’s passion for one of the best current American authors.

4) I caught The Daily Show’s interview with David Sedaris last night and the guy seems to be hilarious. What rock have I been living under that I didn't know about this man? I am planning to buy one of his essay collections and they receive pretty high reviews on Amazon. Anyone have any favorites or a certain collection I should start with? Hit me up in the comments.

5) A few months ago I read “World War Z” by Max Brooks. Yes, this has everything to do with my obsession with The Walking Dead, although the current story line in the comics is being painfully drug out. I really wasn't sure about the book when I started it but, halfway through, I couldn't put it down. It is a clever way to approach the zombie apocalypse (for those of you who don’t know, it is written as a collection of post-apocalypse interviews with survivors and you have to piece things together as you go). My love of this book made coupled with recent interview with Max Brooks concerning the World War Z movie has me a little disappointed. You can read what he is saying here, however, it basically boils down to “This movie is gonna suck” and “This movie only shares the name of my book, not the story”. Both very disappointing.

6) I am planning on finishing up my short story collection this weekend and getting to my editor next week. Still not sure on a potential release date, however, I have decided this will be a free download on Amazon and will include a prequel to my novel The Hunter's Son. It will also have some other short stories I am experimenting with. If you want to know as soon as it comes out, visit my website, and sign up for my email list. You will be the first to know when the collection comes out and may even get offers for freebies or contests in the future.

That's it for today. As always, thanks for reading and shoot me a line if you want to discuss some books or anything else that appeals to you.  

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